• How could Jamie survive? What are the most important things in the wild?

    Hi guys,

    today we tried to understand how Jamie could survive and what were the most important things to do when you had to survive:

    He could survive thanks to...

    - his shelter: he slept under logs.
    - food: he ate berries and leaves
    - water: he drank water.

    The most important things to survive are:

    1- You shouldn't panic. If you panic or if you are not de'termined, you can't do anything.
    2- Water is more important than food because you can't survive with no water more than 3 days.
    3- You must be 'visible for the rescue.
    4- Other important elements: fire, shelter, ...



    - être capable de dire et d'argumenter pourquoi une chose est importante (plus importante qu'une autre) dans une situation de survie.
    - penser à l'accent tonique symbolisé ici par une apostrophe avant la syllabe à accentuer.

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