• Facebook possible problems - the dangers of the internet

    Hi guys,

    today we first made a recap of what you knew about Ashleigh Hall. Good job for many of you who remembered quite a lot!

    Then we continued the class with a new video about Kimberley who lost her job because of Facebook. Here is what we said about her:

    Kimberly's story
    She is unemployed because she was sacked / she was fired from her job. On Facebook, she said she was bored and her boss saw it. He fired her because she had been working for his company for only three weeks.
    -> You shouldn't post any random thing on Facebook.



    - contrôle de vocabulaire sur les leçons "Internet" (chanson add me + ashleigh + facebook)
    - terminer l'affiche sur les dangers d'internet pour mon retour d'Angleterre.

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