• Detective Stories

    Hi guys,

    today we started a new lesson about detective stories and you had to analyse a visual document.

    Detective Stories

    Here is what you said about it:

    Type of document: it's a drawing on a magazine cover.
    The Characters: There are two people. A sexy woman and a dead person.
    Place: the scene takes place in her home, in the living-room.
    Time: it's during Christmas, the day when you open the gifts, maybe around midnight.
    Actions: she is going down the stairs.
    Emotions: she is scared, surprised, and terrified.

    Detective Stories



    - Sur feuille, en anglais, faire 5 phrases pour dire:
    1- ce qu'il est en train de se passer (probablement) = plusieurs hypothèses.
    2- ce qu'il s'est probablement passé = plusieurs hypothèses
    Reasons: there is a man lying on the floor.

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