• Correction for the Lorax

    Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about the Lorax. Here is a possible correction for what you had to do last time:

    When the Once-Ler discovered the place, he found paradise and he said "Wow"!

    He cried because he was very happy. He was ecstatic.

    The fish welcomed him and they said hello.
    The brown bar-ba-loots jumped. They made a pyramid and played in the shade.
    A baby bird was born and he woke up.
    His mother flew over the river to find food.
    On a rock, the fish sang a song again and they swam into the pond.

    The Once-Ler sang a rock song and played the guitar.
    The animals watched him.

    The atmosphere changed when he cut the first tree.
    The animals were scared.

    A bizarre animal got out of the tree stump. It was the Lorax.
    He was sad and he didn't understand what happened to the tree.

    He scared the Once-Ler when he appeared and he asked: "what did you do?"
    The Once-ler lied and he accused the baby bear. He created a diversion. He said he didn't cut the tree.

    Finally, the Lorax was really angry and he gave the Once-Ler orders. He said: "get out! take your things! and leave!"



    - recopier la leçon sur le Lorax et respecter un code couleur cohérent (verbes réguliers, irréguliers, négation, question, vocabulaire nouveau).
    - actualiser son carnet de vocabulaire.
    - savoir expliquer en français comment on utilise le prétérit en anglais.
    - connaître les verbes irréguliers vus en classe et leur prononciation. Fiche de révision disponible ci-dessous (profitez de mes absences la semaine prochaine pour vous avancer....... ....... :))

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