• Conclusion about Facebook

    Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about Facebook and we wrote the conclusion to the essay: "Facebook, friend or foe?"

    Here is what we wrote:

    Facebook can become dangerous if you don't respect some rules.
    However, it can be a useful and funny tool if you are careful and if you know the potential dangers.




    In the second part of the class, we started to talk about a new subject.

    Access the document here:

    Conclusion about Facebook

    New Sequence: ANDY WARHOL

    Here is what we said about the document:

    The document is a cartoon about the life of Andy Warhol. It's his biography.
    He was born in the USA but his parents came from Slovakia.
    When he was young, he dreamed to become a tap-dancer.
    He had a camera when he was three.

    a painter
    a tap-dancer
    a photographer



    - apprendre le début de biographie sur Andy Warhol
    - contrôle de vocabulaire sur les mots liés à Facebook.
    - rendre l'affiche sur les dangers d'internet (si non rendue)
    - pour le mercredi 9 avril = rendre l'intégralité du sujet d'argumentation: "Facebook, friend or foe?" (intro / développement / conclusion).

    Conclusion about Facebook

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