• hello everyone!


    -On Monday, Paige talked about the Halloween traditions in the USA, then you had a test.

    -On Tuesday, you had  a lesson about the united Kingdom and you listened to an audio document.Here is the lesson:

    Tuesday, October 17th (the seventeenth) 2017


    The British love….


    -I can hear a rugby match (and rugbymen)

    - The supporters / spectators are in a stadium, they are clapping.


    I can see different flags.


    I can see a man with the Welsh flag. 



    For Thursday 19/10 : Apprendre la leçon par coeur !



    -Today, we finished the lesson, here it is:

    Thursday, October 19th (the nineteenth) 2017


    Emblems and capitals


    The capital (city) of the United Kingdom is London, the emblem is the English rose.


    The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the emblem is the Welsh leek.


    The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, the emblem is the shamrock.


    The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the emblem is the thistle.


    The UK=England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.


    The capital of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin, the emblem is the Irish shamrock.


    For Friday 20/10 : Apporter sa citrouille

    Apprendre la leçon du jour, dessiner le symbole de chaque pays. (livre page 22)



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  • hello everyone!


    Today, we revised for your test next Monday.


    We completed your WB page 18.

    And we listened to 5 people talking about them

    (Nous avons écouté 5 personnes qui nous ont donné leurs prénoms, âge et ville/pays d'origine, vous avez noté ce que vous avez compris dans votre cahier).


    for Monday 16/10: Bien réviser pour l'évaluation bilan (l'alphabet, les jours de la semaine, les couleurs,la famille, les nombres, les pays, les nationalités et les questions sur le livre, le WB et le cahier)

    Faire les pages 16 et 17 du WB en entier pour bien réviser.



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  • Hello everyone!


    Today, we corrected your workbook exercises (page 8) and listened to nationalities again (WB page 9)then we revised all the questions. 


    For Thursday 12/10: Tout réviser depuis le début de l'année. 

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  • Hello everyone!

    Today, Paige talked to you about herself; her family, her country and her university. 

    Then we corrected the exercise about the flags and practised the pronunciation. 



    Homework for Tuesday 10/10: WB page 8, ex 1 en entier 

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