• Hello,

    Today, you had a test on B2L5.

    Then, you started a new activity: introduce yourself to the class, but you must tell a lie!

    Homework for Monday 6th: finir de préparer sa présentation contenant un mensonge.

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    Today, you did the Check point B2L5 WB to revise for the test.

    Homework for Friday 3rd: réviser en vue de l'évaluation (voir fiche de révisions).

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    Today, we talked about habits in England (page 71 BOOK and 81 WB).

    You can listen to the audio file here: "Young People's International Forum"

    British habits (Action time page 71)

    This document is a forum from the Internet. It is about habits in different countries.

    F1: British people don’t kiss, they just say “hello” or “hi”.

    C1: You can give a hug on special occasions.

    A2: They often use first names.

    D1: Tea is around 6:30 in England. Tea time = dinner.

    E2: Cards are a big deal (= they are very important).

    Homework for Thursday 2nd: apprendre leçon et tout réviser en vue du test de vendredi (voir fiche révisions)



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  • Hello,

    Today, you asked questions to Amy about her habits. Then, we did the Think about it (les pronoms compléments) and you did exercise 4 page 73 BOOK.

    Homework for Tuesday 31st: revoir la leçon sur les pronoms compléments et faire exercice 6 page 81 WB.

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  • Hello,

    Today, you continued to guess who my child is. We corrected some exercises and we did the first part of the think about it page 76 WB.

    Guess who my child is – part 2

    Is it a boy or a girl?         It is a boy.

    Is he dirty?                  No, he isn’t.

    Does he always set the table before meals?

    Yes, he does. He always sets the table!

    Homework for Monday 30th: apprendre leçon et commencer à tout réviser en vue du test qui aura lieu JEUDI.

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