• Hello,

    Today, you prepared your final task.

    Homework for Monday 27th:

    - être prêt.e à jouer sa scène, amener ses accessoires !

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had a test on Sequence 5.

    Homework for Thursday 23rd:

    - amener son début de brouillon de tâche finale

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  • Hello,

    Today, you prepared your final task in groups.

    Homework for Wednesday 22nd:

    - finir de préparer le brouillon de sa tâche finale.

    - être prêt.e pour l'évaluation sur toute la séquence 5.

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    The conversation at the restaurant

    The scene takes place at night for dinner in a chic restaurant because the waiter says “Madam” and “Sir”.

    The customers want to order, but first they ask questions about the menu.

    Homework for Thursday 16th:

    - être capable de présenter la conversation et connaître le vocabulaire du menu.

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    The description of the chic restaurant

    The scene takes place in a chic restaurant because:

    the waiter looks very polite and elegant, because he is wearing a tie, a white shirt and a spotless apron.

    The customers are elegant too.

    The waiter is serving cheese sauce for the pasta and he is bringing pepper under his arm.

    The tables are well-set because there are forks, spoons, knives, glasses and a table cloth.

    In the background, there are other customers. The tables are square whereas in the middle the table is round.

    1 knife / 2 knives

    Homework for Wednesday 15th:

    - être capable de présenter la scène dans le resto chic.

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