• Hey,

    today we first did a recap of what you had to know about the scene at the restaurant... Your oral presentations were much too shaky to be acceptable! You were also very talkative and disrespectful!

    Anyway... We then worked on the comparison of the two burgers: the one in the commercial and the one in reality. Here is what you said:

     In the commercial

    WHEREAS In reality

    The burger is beautiful
    The hamburger is awesome
     "            "        "    yummy
    It has onion rings

                         The burger is ugly
                         The hamburger is horrible
                          "           "        is not appetizing
                         It doesn't have onion rings

     Eventually, we continued the lesson with a recap about the movie with what the customer finally did:

    Parler au passé (le prétérit):

    QuestionDid he punch the manager?
    Answer:    No, he didn't.
                     Did he get his breakfast?
                     Yes, he did but he changed his mind.           Prononciation -ed ---- [d] = changed
    -> He became furious and he got a gun out of his bag.

    Irregular verbs:   become -> became
                                 get -> got



    - apprendre les leçons depuis le début de l'année (contrôle de leçon et de vocabulaire).

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  • Hi guys,

    here are some things we said about the movie extract we watched:

    The characters:

    There are three characters: the customer, the waitress, and the manager


    The problem:

    The customer is angry because the restaurant stopped serving breakfast at 11:30 am. He's late for breakfast.


    Time / place:

    It's in a fast-food restaurant.
    It's 11:33 am.



    The customer is very angry because he's very hungry.


    Vocab: a waitress / a waiter



    - être capable de parler de la scène.

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  • Today we gathered your ideas about the following episode in this movie.

    Here is what you finally wrote in your notebooks (hypotheses) and finally we watched the end of the scene:

    What will happen after the scene...?



    - être capable de donner au moins 5 hypothèses sur la suite de l'épisode et dire si ensuite l'hypothèse (l'action) s'est vraiment passée ou pas.

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  • Hi guys,

    I explained the new rules in English for this year.

    Then we continued with a lesson from last year about "ordering food at the restaurant".

    We watched this video again and you had to present it (characters / place / time / actions / feelings / reasons for the feelings).

    Finally you had to imagine the possible outcomes for the scene.

    e.g.  I think the customer will kill the manager.

     = Expression de la supposition sur le futur.



    - écrire 4 phrases en anglais pour faire des suppositions sur la suite de la scène.

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