• Hello,

    Today, you did a recap of the summer news in groups and then you started to revise some vocabulary.

    Toni Morrison’s news

    Toni Morrison was* a famous black woman. She received the Nobel Prize in Literature and she received a medal from Barack Obama. She was* an excellent writer.

    Unfortunately, she died this summer. She was* eighty-eight.

    Homework for Thursday 3rd:

    - connaître les 24 verbes irréguliers de la liste

    - être capable de dire deux news parfaitement

    - finir mots-croisés

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  • Wednesday, October 2nd

    Personality of the man (2)


    Maybe the man is pervert because he wants to stalk you both in real life and online.

    He has a double face. He wears a virtual mask: he says he likes people but in reality he doesn’t.

    He is a psychopath, a hypocrite, and a liar.

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    In my passport

    In my passport, I have got my last name, my first name, my age, my gender, my nationality, my date of birth and my city of birth, my size and my picture.

    The lost passport

    This is Ethan Radcliff.

    He is thirty (30).

    He is from England.

    He is English.

    He lives in Brighton.

    This is Lehan Ramesh.

    She is thirteen (13).

    She is from India.

    She is Indian.

    She lives in Bradford.



    Homework for Thursday 3rd:

    - être capable de dire ce que l’on a dans un passeport

    - savoir présenter Ethan et Lehan.

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EOI: ritual de clase

    - EOC: Présentación del trabajo de grupo (2)

    - EOC: Comparar los cuadros

    La foto de Ouka LELEE es la vida real mientras que el cuadro de Pablo PICASSO es la vida imaginaria.

    El cuadro de Pablo PICASSO tiene menos onjetos que la foto de Ouka LELEE.

    Para el 7 de octubre de 2019:

    - être capable de comparer 2 éléments

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EOI: ritual de clase

    - corrección de la evaluación

    - EE: Projet final

    Para el 7 de octubre de 2019:

    - finir la page de garde du cahier avec son prénom et les illustrations

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