• Monday, June 3rd


    The family in the living-room


    This document is a screenshot from the animated movie: “The Lorax”.

    There are 3 (three) characters: there is the grand-ma in the middle, the mother on the right, and the son on the left.

    I believe they are eating dinner or they are playing cards. (They are chatting).


    The grand-ma is small and fat whereas the mother is tall and slim. Everyone has curly hair.


    I think it’s 8 p.m. because outside it’s dark. The colour of the sky is pink and purple in the background. The light is on.


    I guess the son is very sporty because on the right, there is a football and baseball bat. On the left, there is a photo of the boy winning a competition.


    In the living-room

    Homework: Mercredi 5/06 – savoir décrire l’image dans le salon.

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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EOI: ritual de clase

    - MTCE: Partes de una casa

    - MTEE: Describo mi casa

    Para el 4 de junio de 2019:

    - apprendre le vocabulaire de la maison + le recopier au propre au stylo

    - être capable de décrire l'intérieur d'une maison


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  • Monday, June 03rd


    Vincent: the possible story


    The movie is the story of Vincent. Vincent is a shy little boy. He likes playing the flute, petting his pets, … etc.

    He is a normal child but he is schizophrenic. He has 2 personalities.


    His other personality is a crazy scientist. He likes doing experiments on his pets and his family.

    In his head, he thinks his real mother is dead. So he wants to resuscitate her.

    He reads books, he finds an idea but his adoptive mother stops him and says: “it’s just in your head!”.


    Finally, Vincent tries to open the door to reality but he can’t. He is too insane. He can’t breathe and he dies.

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