• Tuesday, January 29th


    My morning routine


    Every day, in the morning, before school, I wake up and I stretch, then I go to the bathroom and I have a shower.

    Then, I go to the kitchen and I have breakfast.

    Then, I go to the living-room and I watch TV.

    Then, I put on my clothes and I take my bag.

    Finally, I go to school.

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  • Buongiorno ragazzi,

    Oggi abbiamo corretto gli esercizi sul futuro. 

    In seguito abbiamo fatto un attività lessicale: le parole chiavi del mondo del lavoro. 


    Compiti per giovedì 31/01: 

    - je sais conjuguer un verbe au futur et au conditionnel

    - je sais parler des critères pour choisir une profession 


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  • Tuesday, January 29th

    Slumdog Millionaire

    1st extract:


    Amitabh Bachchan is the most famous actor in Bollywood movies. He arrived in Jamal’s village with a helicopter.

    Jamal is a fan and wanted to see him but his brother blocked him in the toilets. So he couldn’t see his idol.

    he was both extremely joyful but disgusted because he had to jump in the poop.


    He ran to the actor and Amitabh signed the picture he saved for an autograph.

    he was ecstatic but his brother was both jealous and disgusted.


    Finally, his brother sold* his autograph for 2 rupees (nothing). So Jamal was both disappointed and angry.

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    Aujourd’hui, nous avons commencé UNIT 3 Re-cycle: This is my family! Et vous avez découvert la famille royale britannique.

    The Royal Family Tree

    I’m Prince William…

    My grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II (the second).

    My grandfather is Prince Philip.

    My wife is Kate.

    My brother is Prince Harry.

    My mother is Lady Diana. She is dead.

    My father is Prince Charles.

    My stepmother is Camilla.

    My son is Prince George.

    My daughter is Princess Charlotte.

    Homework for Wednesday 30th:

    - être capable de décrire ta famille royale comme si tu étais William.

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  • Tuesday, January 29th


    Slumdog Millionaire 2nd extract


    At the beginning, the children were playing in the water with a ball and their friend. And their mother was washing the saris.

    It was a joyful moment.


    Then, the village was attacked and many people arrived.

    The mother was assassinated!

    A man was on fire and a house was on fire too!

    It was a traumatic moment.


    Jamal remembers this story because he was both traumatized and terrified.


    Vocab: traumatized / traumatizing terrified / terrifying

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