• Tuesday, December 4th


    Interpretation (3)


    The missing elements:


    - In the painting there isn’t a barrier but the canvas represent the protection for Ruby.

    - The painter says in the title we are the demonstrators.

    The Problem We All Live With”. We are all concerned with this problem (racism, segregation). We are all responsible.

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  • Tuesday, December 04th

    Interpretation (3)


    I think the author wanted to provoke people with his painting.

    For him, everybody can be racist.

    The title is “The Problem We All Live With”. Everybody is responsible.

    To protect Ruby, the canvas is the symbolic barrier.

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  • Ciao ragazzi, 


    Oggi abbiamo ascoltato un documento che parla della moda dei/delle ragazzi/e. 


    Che tipo di documento è?

    Il documento è un intervista a ragazzi e ragazze. 

    1. Quali sono i tuoi criteri quando ti vesti?

     I criteri di scelta sono:

    - la marca

    - la situazione (festa, scuola...)

    - estetico

    => io scelgo in base al prezzo, al colore (per sempio mai più di 2 colori, la situazione/l'occasione, all'originalità, ai gusti, alla commodità.....

    2. ti senti alla moda

    Più o meno, me la creo io la mia moda, attuale, gusto personale, no perché significa essere uguale agli altri.


    Compiti per giovedì 6 dicembre:

    - je réponds à la 2ème question (ti senti alla moda? che cos'è la moda per te? E' importante?)

    - j'envoie le projet intermédiaire (description orale du look d'un personnage connu).


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  • Hello everyone,


    Last lesson, we wrote the poem In Flanders fields and then we explained the vocabulary and the poet's intentions. Then you had to memorise the vocabulary.


    In Flanders Fields


    By John McCrae




    In Flanders fields the poppies blow


    Between the crosses, row on row,


    That mark our place; and in the sky


    The larks, still bravely singing, fly


    Scarce heard amid the guns below.




    We are the Dead. Short days ago


    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,


    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,


    In Flanders fields.




    Take up our quarrel with the foe:


    To you from failing hands we throw


    The torch; be yours to hold it high.


    If ye break faith with us who die


    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow


    In Flanders fields.



    Today, we started our poster about the poem. We decided how to interpret the different parts of the poem.




    Apprendre son vocabulaire pour le mardi

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  • Aujourd’hui nous avons réécouté Emily et Tom qui parlent de leurs uniformes. Voici la leçon que nous avons complétée dans votre cahier:


    Tuesday, December 4th (the fourth) 2018




    Emily and Tom’s uniform





    Emily is in ______________.


    She has got a new uniform. She's got a tie, a white _________, a __________, a __________, black ___________ and white ____________.


    In winter, she has got a ______________ because it is _________.



    Tom is _______________ years old.


    He has got a new ______________.


    He has got a blue _________, black shoes, a white __________, grey _______, a black _________ and black __________.


    There is a school ____________ on his blazer.



    For Thursday 6/12:


    -Bien connaître sa leçon sur Emily et Tom.


    -Apprendre le vocabulaire (en vert) par coeur.


    -Manuel page 48, exercice 3: décrire l’uniforme de Ron.


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