• ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - presentación de la Secuencia 2

    - CE / EOI: Saludar y despedirse

    - CE: Diálogo de primer encuentro

    - EOI: Memorizar el diálogo

    Para el 20 de octubre de 2017:

    - être capable de saluer et prendre congé de quelqu'un

    - mémoriser le dialogue

    - recopier le dialogue dans l'ordre sur une feuille


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  • ¡Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EOC: Projet final Séquence 1

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  • Hello,

    Today, you had a test and then I explained again the final task and how to do vocabulary research on the Internet.

    Homework for Monday, November 6th:

    Refaire son actualité sur Big Ben avec ses propres mots, en utilisant le prétérit et en faisant des recherches de vocabulaire sur Wordreference si besoin. SUR FEUILLE. Inclure l'introduction de la news.

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  • Hello,

    Today, we started a new unit: Britain’s got talent.

    It is the music of Britain's got talent. (Britain has got talent)

    Britain's got talent is a TV show.

    In the TV show, candidates present their talents.

    They can sing, they can dance, they can juggle, they can play freestyle basketball, they can do magic tricks, they can play with fire, they can mime, etc.

    The jury must pick the best candidate.


    Homework for Monday, November 6th: être capable de présenter Britain's got talent.

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  • Hello,

    Today, we started a new unit: Britain’s got talent.

    1. The music is the opening credits of Britain's got talent.

    It is a TV talent show.

    The candidates can do amazing tricks. They can sing and dance. They can do magic tricks. They can act and break out from a box, etc.

    The jury must pick the best candidate.

    Thursday, October 19th_UNIT 2 Britain's got talent

    2. In the picture, there is a British flag  behind the title.

    There are many little stars at the bottom.


    Homework for Friday: être capable de présenter Britain's got talent.

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