• Hello,

    Today, you continued and finished your cycling test. Congratulations, now you have an English cycling licence!

    Cycling rules

    e. He must pay attention to pedestrians.

    c. He must stop before the stop line.

    g. She must fasten the chinstrap.

    h. He mustn’t use his mobile when riding.

    Homework for Friday 29th: apprendre la leçon par cœur et faire exercice 2 page 64 LIVRE.

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  • Hello everyone!

    Here are our last 2 lessons:



    Tuesday, April 26th (the twenty-sixth) 2016.




    Extract one : What is the situation ?




    In the first extract, there is a big crowd. They are angry/ revolted, everybody is demonstrating in the street in front of a big building.


    We can see many journalists : they are taking photos/pictures. There are many policemen (they have badges on their arms). The action takes place in the USA.




    In the second extract, we can identify the building as a school : there are classrooms full of tables and chairs, there are teachers too.


    The parents are coming to take their children out of the school.




    We know that the situation takes place in the 1960s because it was the period of segregation.












    Thursday, April 28th




    What was possible/impossible in the 1960s ?




    -Black and white people couldn't drink from the same water fountains/sinks.


    -They had to use different water fountains.




    -Black people couldn't sit at the front of buses, they had to sit at the back of buses.



    Homework for 29/04:apprendre les 2 leçons.


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  • Ciao ragazzi,


    oggi, dopo aver interrogato, abbiamo fatto un'attività di C.S.(comprensione scritta) e di E.O.(espressione orale) sugli STEREOTIPI sugli Italiani.




    1. VERO

    2. FALSO

    3. VERO

    4. VERO

    5. VERO




    a 2


    b 3


    c 5


    d 1


    e 4



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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOi: ¿Qué haces después del cole?

    - EO / EE: Viva el tiempo libre!

    - MTEE: Mi tiempo libre

    Vocabulario: hacer bici / hacer patinete / a veces / preferir / nunca/ siempre

    Para el 2 de mayo de 2016:

    - mémoriser le vocabulaire des loisirs

    - finir l'activité d'EE (cf. fiche)

    - poser 2 questions sur les loisirs à partir de l'activité d'EE


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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EO: Cuando sea mayor...

    - CE: Cuando sea mayor

    El documento es un poema de José María SEERANO que se titula Cuando sea mayor: habla de los proyectos y de los sueños de un chico.

    - MTEE: ¿Con qué sueñas? ¿Por qué?

    Vocabulario: curar

    Para el 28 de abril de 2016:

    - savoir parler de ses rêves, ie. répondre à la question


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