• Let's talk about numbers!

    Numbers !


    Let's do some training!


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  • Hi!

    Today we listened to 6 dialogues and did a recap!

    Late or absent

    1.  Helen was absent because she had the flu. 

    2.  Frances is late because she overslept so she missed the bus.

    3.  Johnathan is sick so he wants to go to the toilet.

    4.  Marie has a headache so she wants to go to the nurse.

    5.  Martyn is late because he went to the head teacher’s office.

    6.  Abel was absent because he had an appointment at the dentist’s.


    Homework for Friday 2nd: 

    faire signer test 

    apprendre leçon et s'entraîner avec le jeu ci-dessous !

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  • Hi!

    Today, we corrected TEST n° 1 and you gave me your letters! They are very nice!

    Homework for Monday 5th:

    Faire signer l'évaluation

    Réviser School Stuff avec le jeu en dessous et le fichier audio.

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  • Hello!

    Aujourd'hui, nous avons corrigé l'évaluation et vous m'avez rendu vos posters !

    Homework for Friday 2nd: faire signer son évaluation.

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  • Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi, dopo aver fatto la correzione del compito, abbiamo fatto un'attività sul significato dei seguenti verbi: OFFRIRE - ACCETTARE - RIFIUTARE - CHIEDERE - ORDINARE.


    A - OFFRIRE 1


    C - CHIEDERE 4

    D - ORDINARE 5

    E - OFFRIRE 1

    F - CHIEDERE 4

    Activité "Al telefono":

    1.A - 2.E - 3. H

    Poi, abbiamo fatto un'attività di C.S.(comprensione scritta) immaginando quello che Raffaele dice alla mamma al telefono (document photocopie).



    COMPITI per venerdi' 2 ottobre:

    apprendre les nouveaux verbes

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