• Hello everyone,

    Today, we worked on a text from a logbook. It told the story of Ted who participated in the Expedition Cup.

    First, we underlined everything we understood.

    Second, we put the pictures in the correct order.

    Third, we discovered vocabulary.

    Fourth, we discovered prepositions : across (à travers), over (par dessus), under (en dessous), through (au travers de), up (en haut).

    Fifth, we translated our verbs and prepositions :

    - navigate through : se frayer un chemin à travers

    - walk across : traverser

    - crawl under : ramper sous

    - jump over : franchir/sauter par dessus

    - climb up : escalader

    HOMEWORK : 03/06/14 : learn the prepositions and vocabulary (apprendre les prépositions et le vocabulaire ci-dessus).

    REVISION GAME : Click on the bin !


    Raw Adventure Camp : the Expedition Cup


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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started with dustbin game : you had to place sentences in the good category : negative sentence, positive sentence, short answer and question.

    Then, you formed groups and you had to compete during 10 minutes : you had to translate the sentences.

    After that, we started the preparation for the final task : Kate's gang (scene 1 and 2)


    If you want to play the game again, here it is :


    Dustbin game + final task

    Click here for larger version

    HOMEWORK : 02/06/14

    Revise everything about present v-ING : revoir tout ce qui a été fait sur le présent be-ing.

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  • Oggi è venerdì trenta maggio duemilaquattordici

    Ciao ragazzi !


    correction de la petite évaluation

    EO dessin "il condominio"


    traccia scritta

    Nel salotto posso leggere,

    ascoltare musica, ricevere amici,

    guardare la TV, dormire...

    POTERE posso puoi può possiamo potete possono


    Al terzo piano c'è una camera con due letti (un letto).

    Al quarto piano vive (vivere) un ragazzo. Lui naviga su internet, va su eklablog, gioca a calcio,         ecc...


    CO : première écoute


    compiti a casa : apprendre la leçon











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  • Oggi è venerdì trenta maggio duemilaquattordici

    Ciao ragazzi !


    EO révisions Venezia

    grammaire : les siècles + petit exercice d'application

    CO : 3ème écoute


    compiti a casa : apprendre la leçon



















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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO repaso: ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?

    - EOi: Diálogo sobre el tiempo libre

    - CE /20 + EE /10

    Para el 3 de junio de 2014:

    - EOi: diálogo sobre el tiempo libre

    - SL /20: revoir le vocabulaire de la séquence

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