• Hey,

    today we worked on the biography of Henry VIII. Here is what we said about him: 

    1- Where did he live?
          -> He lived in England.

    2- At what age did he become king?
          -> He became king at 18.

    3- What did he like doing?
          -> He liked sailing and playing tennis.

    4- How many wives did he have?
          -> He had six wives. He divorced two. He beheaded two. One died in childbirth. One survived but she died one year later.

       : marque du prétérit.

    Finally, I gave you little texts about his 6 wives and you had to complete the sentences to talk about them and the reason why they separated from the king (slides5 to 10):




    - apprendre la leçon sur Henry VIII.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on Henry VIII again and here is what we said:

     He was famous for his six wives.

    He divorced two, he beheaded two, one died after childbirth and one survived.
    He had many wives because...:

       he needed a political alliance with Spain and Germany.
       he needed a male heir / a boy / a son
       he needed a nurse and a companion

        : voyelle prononcée [ai]. L'accent tonique tombe toujours sur cette syllabe.
        : bien faire la liaison son le [h] - il n'est pas prononcé dans ce mot = exception.

    Finally, we watched a video that could make a good recap of what you have learned so far in English class.



    - apprendre la leçon = savoir parler de Henry VIII et de ses femmes.

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  • Ciao!

    a partire dal documento sul parmigiano, in gruppo, avete trovato le domande alle risposte del testo: BRAVISSIMI, era un esercizio difficile...

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  • Ciao ragazzi!

    oggi abbiamo fatto un'attività di lettura con gli MP3. Dopo abbiamo parlato di Natale (Natale è il 25 dicembre) e poi guardato un video su Babbo Natale.

    COMPITI per venerdi' 20 dicembre:

    regarder à nouveau la vidéo et préparer une description à l'oral


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  • Ciao ragazzi!

    dopo aver interrogato sulla traccia scritta (BRAVISSIMI!), abbiamo guardato un'altra volta il video e trovato altre informazioni / après avoir interrogé sur la trace écrite (BRAVISSIMI!), nous avons regardé une autre fois la vidéo et trouvé d'autres informations.


    Georges ha una pista per le macchine da corsa. Gli adulti hanno una calza. Il pappagallo ha il mangiare per gli uccelli. Peppa non ha il regalo. Lei è triste, dunque non è contenta.

    COMPITI per giovedi' 19 dicembre:

    apprendre la trace écrite

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