• Hello everyone,


    Today, we discussed the ice bucket challenge, most of you didn't know what it's about (YOUR HOMEWORK WAS TO WRITE A SENTENCE ABOUT IT!)

    We also talked about what happened 13 years ago in the USA, the World Trade Center was destroyed in a terrorist attack.


    Then we wrote 4 sentences about 4 new events:


    1.Lauren Bacall, an American actress passed away (=died) at the age of 89.

    2. The European championship took place  in Zurich (Switzerland).

    3. President Obama was nominated for the ice bucket challenge. He refused to do it but he gave a lot of money to the charity. (=it's a humanitarian organization )

     4. The Ebola virus killed thousands of people in West Africa.


    Homework for Monday 15/09 : BIEN réviser les 2 fiches et la leçon du jour (= au dessus en bleu!)


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