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Blog à destination des élèves du collège Joliot Curie (69500 Bron) mis en place par M. Hattais (Anglais) et Mme Parisi (Italien) en 2013

Tuesday, June 30th

Tuesday, June 30th (the thirtieth) 2020


Survivor: Final task!


Hello! My name is_____________ and I am the next sole survivor!


I am 14 years old and I live near Lyon in France. I love fishing and I love the

nature! I am the most determined candidate and I want to win!


I'm not super intelligent but I'm the most logical and I can learn really fast! I

am very adventurous because I live in an animated city!


I have built a lot of objects so I can make a shelter for my tribe/team mates.

I am very skillful: I have made a car with leaves!


I have camped with my family a lot so I can make a fire easily!


Finally, I can easily climb trees and mountains because I have lived in the

forest for nine months.


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