• Friday, october 5th

    Here is today's lesson



    Friday, October 5th (the fifth)


    The man’s life


    The man is always in his bedroom. He spies on his neighbours or people in the street/ he peeps through his curtains, probably with binoculars.


    He is an ex- alcoholic and he wears a dog costume!


    He must be schizophrenic and paranoid because he hears voices in his head.


    He must be dangerous because he insists a lot, he harrasses people. He is stubborn… and he gives me the creeps (= he is creepy!).




    To spy on = espionner quelqu’un


    To peep through= épier (à travers)


    the curtains= les rideaux


    paranoid= paranoïaque


    binoculars= des jumelles


    to harrass= harceler


    stubborn= têtu(e)


    he gives me the creeps= il me donne des frissons.


    He’s a couch potato= c’est un flemmard/ quelqu'un qui passe tout son temps sur un canapé.



    For Monday 8/10: vocabulaire par coeur. Leçon du jour à apprendre.















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