• Hey guys,

    les vacances ont eu lieu et maintenant... retour à la réalité!

    N'oubliez pas le contrôle de bilan sur toute la séquence depuis le début du Lorax.

    Vous devez être capable de:

    - raconter une histoire au passé (prétérit = verbes réguliers et irréguliers)
    - comparer et opposer des choses entre elles (plus que, moins que, alors que...)
    - localiser des éléments dans un document (en haut, en bas...)
    - connaître le vocabulaire vu pendant la séquence

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  • Hey guys,

    today we finished the analysis of the musical "Annie Get Your Gun!"

    Here is what we said about the document:

    The document is an extract from a musical.
    The characters are fighting with words = they are arguing.

    The competition is about who can sing better.

    The man can sing less long than the woman but he can sing sweeter.
    The woman can sing longer and higher. She is more humourous / She is funnier than the man.
    She is better at shooting. She can shoot with a bow and arrow.

    a safe
    a sparrow / a partridge = a bird



    - apprendre la trace écrite sur la comédie musicale... et oui... peut-être aurez-vous le droit de chanter encore une fois... who knows...? :)

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  • Hey guys,

    today we worked on the song from the musical "Annie Get Your Gun" again.
    We didn't have time to finish the worksheet I gave you... argh! Too bad!

    Here is the song again:



    - vérifiez ce que vous avez écrit pour compléter les paroles de la chanson avec la vidéo.
    - apprendre la 1ère strophe de la chanson par coeur (parole et mélodie)
    - se rappeler que "tissue is not teach you..." et que "soccer is not softer"... héhé!

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first took an irregular verbs test and then we continued our lesson about the three towers we studied.

    You completed the 9 examples from the worksheet I gave you and then we began to watch an extract from the musical: "Annie Get your Gun!"
    Did you like it? I thought it was fun, didn't you?

    In the document, the two characters are fighting with words; they are arguing; they are having an argument. The man thinks he is better whereas the woman thinks SHE is better... ahaha! So who is the winner according to you?



    - revoir la scène étudiée en cours et être capable de parler de la compétition entre les deux personnages.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished to talk about how to compare.

    We commented on the towers from the documents we studied. We also made comparisons in the class.



    - pour jeudi: n'oubliez pas le test de verbes irréguliers (jusqu'à DREAM) + écrire les 9 exemples de la fiches faites en classe (vous pouvez les prendre du cahier et/ou inventer d'autres exemples).

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