• Hello!

    Today, we corrected the exercise about Garfield.

    Then, you watched the Malaki's video - Part 4.



    1.     I believe Garfield will hit him.

    Ø  Actually, he says: “I hate people who love Mondays!”

    2.     I think Garfield will fall on the floor and bleed.

    Ø  Actually, he’s falling in the toilets.

    3.      I think he will faint and make a hole in the box.

    Ø  Actually, he falls on the floor and says: “Mondays…”


    Malaki – Part 4

    In the backstage, a cameraman is interviewing Malaki and his mom.

    They are nervous.

    Malaki’s mom is scared that he will get a stage fright.

    Maybe, he will get shaky (= he will tremble) at the beginning.


    Homework for Friday 29th: apprendre la leçon sur Malaki – video 4.



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  • Hello!

    Today, we did a group activity about Garfield. We will finish next time!


    Run away: s’enfuir

    Throw: jeter

    Fall: tomber

    Faint s’évanouir

    Bleed: saigner

    Hit: frapper

    Mug: tasse

    Homework for Thursday 28th: revoir la leçon précédente et aller sur le blog pour voir la vidéo 4 et être capable de décrire ce qui se passe. 



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  • Hi there!

    Today, you played a game to put predictions in the correct order and then we checked what really happened to Malaki! 

    Predictions / part 2

    I believe the audience will feel sad.

    I guess Malaki will win the competition.

    I suppose the audience will not throw tomatoes and eggs.

    I think Malaki will go home alone.

    ·         The audience = the spectators.

    ·         Win ≠ loose

    ·         Alone = seul.e

    Video part 3:

    What is really happening?

    His mother is coming on stage and she is hugging Malaki.

    A woman from the jury is coming on stage too. And she says: “Do you want to sing again?”

    The spectators are clapping their hands and screaming to encourage Malaki!

    Homework for Friday 22nd: revoir la vidéo 3 et être capable de décrire ce qu’il est en train de se passer.



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  • Hello!

    Today, we talked about what will happen to Malaki.

    Two predictions:

    I guess his mother will cry too and she will encourage him.

    I believe the jury will not laugh and they won’t buzz him.


    Homework for Thursday: revoir la fiche et être capable de faire 2 prédictions sur ce qu’il va se passer ensuite.

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  • Hi there!

    Today, you watched two videos from Britain's got talent and we talked about it. You did a very good job!

    Here's the lesson:

    To play Britain’s got talent, we need:

    -          a candidate with a talent

    -          a jury and a jury’s table

    -          presenters

    -          spectators

    -          a cameraman or a camera woman

    -          a stage and a backstage

    Malaki Paul

    Malaki is 9 and he’s from London. He’s with his mother. He is very nervous. He’s singing an English song.

    I think he can sing extremely/very/quite well.

    The woman in the jury says he is very cute.

    Malaki’s mother is crying because she’s moved.

    ·         I think his mother will come on the stage and she will cheer him up.

    ·         I think the spectators will stand up and clap their hands!

    ·         I think he will leave and loose the competition.

    Homework for Monday 18th: être capable de parler de la vidéo et de donner SON opinion sur ce qu’il va se passer ensuite.



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