• Hello,

    Today, you listened to Sally talking about her favourite celebrity.

    David Beckham

    Her name is Sally and she lives in England. Her favourite celebrity is David B.

    He was born on May the 2nd 1975 (nineteen seventy-five) in England. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He is married to Victoria B.

    They have three boys: Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo.

    D.B. is a very famous football player. Now, he lives in America.

    Before, he used to play with the Real Madrid and Manchester United. Now, he plays with the Los Angeles team.


    Les deux présents: 

    Le présent BE + V-ING: pour décrire une action en cours.

    Le présent simple: pour parler des habitudes, des caractéristiques et des goûts.


    Homework for Wednesday 18th: apprendre leçon par coeur + point de grammaire (2 présents)  / TEST (description physique, description d'image, habitudes)

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  • Hello and welcome back!

    Today, you studied a picture and then you told me about Lady Gaga's daily routine.

    Lady Gaga – Part 2

    Wednesday, January 4th

    What's this document?

    It's a picture of Lady Gaga outside in a concert. 

    Physical description:

    She has long blond straight hair. She has make-up on (red lipstick). She has green eyes. She is wearing a crazy black leather costume/outfit with diamond jewels. 

    What is she doing?

    She is riding a motorbike. She is singing and she is looking up to the sky.

    Imagine: what does she do everyday?

     Everyday, in the morning, she sleeps, then she gets up. She has breakfast and she brushes her teeth.

    In the afternoon, she meets her friends, then she goes to work: she rehearses her songs.

    In the evening, she gives a concert and then she signs autographs.

    At night, she goes home, she has a bath and goes to bed.

    For next Wednesday: What do you do everyday after school? (minimum 6 phrases)

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  • Hello,

    Today, we corrected the test and then we studied another technique to take notes when listening to an audio file.

    Homework for Wednesday 7th: reprendre les notes pour récapituler les informations de la présentation de Lady Gaga.

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  • Hi there!

    Today, you had a test on Sequence 2 (AP). 

    No homework. 

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  • Hello!

    Today, you did an exercise on possessive adjectives.

    Then, you read two presentations from Ana and Joe and collected some information.

    Homework for Wednesday 23rd : réviser tout ce qui a été fait en classe sur les présentations en vue du TEST.

    • être capable de parler de ce que l'on aime faire ou pas (et les verbes de goûts)
    • prendre des notes lors d'une compréhension orale et ensuite être capable de tout récapituler à la 3ème personne du singulier.
    • lire un texte ou une lettre de présentation et être capable d'en extraire les informations importantes.
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