
    Thursday, November 28th




    The analysis of the screenshot (2)



    Mae and Mercer are not socializing. They are arguing and the rest of


    the people are just on their phones. They are isolated.




    Inside, the colors are white and black. It’s dark whereas outside it is


    colorful. You can see the colors in the reflection of the windows.



    The windows look like a screen. People are trapped on social media,


    in a virtual prison.



    The director may think nothing can change because when Mercer


    died, Mae didn’t change her point of view.





    Homework for Tuesday December 3rd:


    - Savoir analyser parfaitement l'image extraite du film


    - Préparer et rendre le brouillon (sur feuille) de sa tâche finale.

    The analysis of the screenshot (2)

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  • Friday , November 22nd (the twenty-second) 2019



    A virtual prison ?



    Mae is isolated/alone. On the picture she is between two


    vertical lines and people are around her in a circle. She is


    like a target.


    There are Mae’s coworkers, filming the scene (maybe they


    will post the videos online). They look like spectators.




    The vertical lines of the windows (and behind Mae) look


    like prison/jail bars.



    The director wants to show that social media are


    dangerous because you are trapped.




    For Tuesday 26/11: Savoir décrire l'image.

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    Thursday, November 21st



    Mae and Mercer’s argument




    Mae posted a picture of Mercer’s chandelier on social





    Mercer was accused of being an animal killer (a deer


    killer) and he thinks it’s Mae’s fault.



    Social media ruined his reputation.






    Mae regrets posting the picture and she wants to fix the





    For Friday 22/11: être capable de parler de la dispute.



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  • https://learningapps.org/watch?v=p2jopv24a19

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  • Hello!

    Today, we started the script.

    Vous avez collé la feuille des extraits du script dans vos cahiers.


    For Tuesday 12/11: Bien reprendre les deux parties vues en classe en s'entrainant bien sur la prononciation à l'aide des scripts. 


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