• Hi guys,

    today you first took a test about Andy Warhol's life.

    Then we continued the lesson with the beginning of some portraits he made about Marilyn Monroe entitled: "9 Marilyn".

    Andy Warhol (test) + 9 Marilyn

    Here are some notes you took:

    There is a pattern in the colours used =

    eyelids -> background
    jacket -> lips

    Some portraits are blurred while others are clear.

    Technique = silk-screen printing



    - être capable de parler de la vie d'Andy Warhol / parler du tableau dont nous avons commencé l'étude.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on completing Andy Warhol's biography. Here is what we said:

    Andy made 650 films in 5 years. => he was very hard-working.
    He was first a director and then he became an artist.
    He worked for big businesses and he created ads.
    He painted objects of every day like Coca-Cola bottles, shoes, record covers, ...
    He also painted portraits of many celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Muhammad Ali, Elvis Presley, ...

    - mother
    - the Factory
    - silk-screen printing
    - pop art  (everybody / 15 minutes of fame)
    - 1950's



    - rendre le travail sur Facebook (argumentation: "Facebook, friend or foe?")
    - contrôle de leçon sur la biography d'Andy Warhol.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we continued talking about Andy Warhol and we finished the first part of his biography. Here is what we said:

    Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh (a city in the USA).
    He chose to study drawing and painting instead of tap-dancing.
    He developed his photos in his personal dark room.
    He started selling his artwork when he was 10 years old.
    -> He was a genius.



    - connaître le début de biographie d'Andy Warhol.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we finished talking about Facebook and we wrote the conclusion to the essay: "Facebook, friend or foe?"

    Here is what we wrote:

    Facebook can become dangerous if you don't respect some rules.
    However, it can be a useful and funny tool if you are careful and if you know the potential dangers.




    In the second part of the class, we started to talk about a new subject.

    Access the document here:

    Conclusion about Facebook

    New Sequence: ANDY WARHOL

    Here is what we said about the document:

    The document is a cartoon about the life of Andy Warhol. It's his biography.
    He was born in the USA but his parents came from Slovakia.
    When he was young, he dreamed to become a tap-dancer.
    He had a camera when he was three.

    a painter
    a tap-dancer
    a photographer



    - apprendre le début de biographie sur Andy Warhol
    - contrôle de vocabulaire sur les mots liés à Facebook.
    - rendre l'affiche sur les dangers d'internet (si non rendue)
    - pour le mercredi 9 avril = rendre l'intégralité du sujet d'argumentation: "Facebook, friend or foe?" (intro / développement / conclusion).

    Conclusion about Facebook

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  • Hey,

    today we first did a recap of the vocabulary you should know about Facebook.
    Then we continued the lesson about how to build an essay (une argumentation) about Facebook with the following subject:

    - Facebook, friend or foe?

    Here is an outline of what you could do:

    Vocabulary recap + Essay about Facebook



    - contrôle de vocabulaire
    - rendre l'affiche sur les dangers d'internet

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