• The victims were all female prostitutes. They died in a short period of time (between August 31st and November 1888).
    They were killed with a knife and mutilated in Whitechapel.
    Before the murders, ... : ... * they were drinking.
                                                 * Mary Jane was coming home. She was walking in a dark alley.
                                                 * Annie was talking with a man. She was working.
                                                 * She was eating and drinking at a famous pub.

    Maybe Jack the Ripper had an accomplice. The case was very difficult for the police.
    Maybe he had a horse or a car. (cf. distance between murders 3 and 4).



    - connaître parfaitement le profils des victimes.

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  • Hi guys,

    last time we talked about a new text about Sherlock Holmes.

    Here is the first analysis we have:

    In this text, Sherlock Holmes is in a laboratory with Dr Watson and Stamford.
    They meet for the 1st time thanks to Stamford.
    For the moment, they are not friends, flatmates and side-kicks.
    Sherlock just looks at Watson and perceives he has been in Afghanistan.
    Watson is surprised.



    - apprendre le début de commentaire sur le texte et le relire.

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOi: Vocabulario

    Vocabulario: una isla / estar = situarse / al norte / al sur / al oeste / al este

    - CE / EO: Destino hispanoamérica y España

    - PRL: El condicional

    Para el 5 de febrero de 2016:

    - MTEE: répondre aux questions 1 et 2

    - apprendre le vocabulaire

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EOc: Me gustaría.../ Preferiría...

    - EO: Las Islas Canarias

    Vocabulario: un cartel / la oficina de turismo / atraer / un turista / promocionar / tener ganas de

    Metodología: presentar un documento

    Séquence 5, séance 3

    Para el 4 de febrero de 2016:

    - apprendre le vocabulaire

    - présenter le document

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  • Hola chicos!

    Hoy hicimos:

    - EO: ritual de clase

    - EO: ¿Qué llevan?

    Podemos imaginar que Lila DOWNS lleva zapatos de tacón o botas. Lila DOWNS tiene dos trenzas muy largas con rosas blancas. Está pintada.

    Vocabulario: una trenza / pintarse / de oro / de plata

    - MTEE: ¿Qué llevas hoy?

    - CO: Dictado

    Para el 4 de febrero de 2016:

    - EE: le lexique des vêtements et savoir décrire sa tenue

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