• Hi guys,

    the library has just bought some fun books in English!
    Don't hesitate to go and borrow them.

    New Books in English at the Library

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  • Hi guys,

    today we worked on the following video about Squanto:

    You then had to highlight the verbs in the preterite in your worksheet and classify the irregular verbs in your chart.


    - être capable de parler de l'histoire de Squanto (ses 4 rôles = helper / guide / friend / teacher + explications en anglais)
    - connaître ses verbes irréguliers et leur traduction + connaître la prononciation des verbes réguliers t / d / id

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  • Hi guys,

    today you first had to recap last time's lesson about Squanto and you did a good job on the whole.

    Then we worked on grammar and you had to concentrate on:
    1- irregular verbs in the past
    2- the pronunciation of regular verbs (in /ed/)

    You completed your two charts.



    - connaître ses verbes irréguliers et les prononciations des verbes réguliers
    - être capable de parler de l'histoire de Squanto.

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  • Hi guys,

    today we talked about Malaki and his mother's personality again and you had to complete a worksheet with vocabulary.

    Then we started to study Olivia's poem. You had to fill in the missing words and we worked on pronunciation.



    - commencer à bien préparer la tâche finale (questions du jury / présentation personnelle / talent)
    - si vous n'arrivez pas à vous trouver un talent... vous devrez apprendre par coeur le poème d'Olivia... alors commencez à vous y mettre sérieusement pour être prêt le jour J!

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  • Hi guys,

    today we made a recap of what you had said before about Jacob and we continued talking about the text:

    Ellis Island: the checkpoint at the border

    The inspector asked if Jacob could count, speak English, and walk; and if he was in good health.

    The doctor was calmer and interested in Jacob. He was more understanding.
    The inspector was very strict whereas the doctor was relaxed.
    He was more aggressive while the doctor was calm.

    - Vocab:
                slightly = a little



    - apprendre la leçon = être capable de parler des deux inspections de Jacob et des attitudes des différents personnages. 

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